Monday, November 16, 2009

Hello, world!

"If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got."  Truer words have never been spoken!  So, I am preparing to usher in an exciting new phase of my life (thankyou Sydney Morning Herald's Horoscope for the heads up). I'm getting out there and back into learning mode for the first time in twelve years. OK, my brain feels a little less fit & flexible than it used to (much like my hamstrings), but I think it will cope, in a fashion.  In one week approximately I begin the BA (Internet Studies) through Curtin University, WA.  It's wholly online delivery, which is convenient, considering the actual university is on the other side of the continent (a mere 4500kms away) and in all likelihood I will not see the building until I graduate.

Internet Studies, you say? No, i'm not just a Facebook-addicted 30-something with too much spare time... well not that i'll admit to anyone but my closest friends, anyway.  The internet is widely agreed to be the most important socio-technological invention of our generation.  It's way cool, man!  Perhaps it used to be populated overwhelmingly by the stereotypically pale computer geek-type, but as we approach the year 2010 there are few of us who don't use it on a daily, even hourly, basis.  I want to know everything about it! I want to be there at the coalface watching it develop & grow. Just look how far it has come in the last 15 years!  The imagination cannot the possibilities. I don't even think I had an email address until about 8 years ago. Hopefully out of all this new knowledge I can build a career somehow...

This blog will be all about me (no, really? you say) and all about Internet Studies.  I hope you enjoy it.
